lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

                                                             GUIA DE SOCIAL
                                                               SECCION III, IV     

  1. Mention some of the early cultures of Mexico.
  2. What is a mestizo?
  3. How do you call the huge expanses of farm or ranch land?
  4. Who was Mexico's first president of Indian heritage?
  5. What does NAFTA stands for?
  6. What kind of government do Mexico have?
  7. What is a maquiladora?
  8. What is an isthmus?
  9. What is an archipelago?
  10. What is a cloud forest?
  11. When did the Spanish colonies of Central America became independent from Spain?
  12. How do you call the use of using an area's natural environment to attract tourists?
  13. How do you call a conflict between two or more groups within a country?
  14. Which agricultural products are important for Costa Rica's economy?
  15. What is the function of Panama canal?
  16. When did Cuba gain independence?
  17. What is a dialect?
  18. How do you call the self-governing territory associated with another country?
  19. What is Colombia's capital city?
  20. Which is Brazil's largest city?
  21. When did the United States fight against Iraq in the Persian-Gulf War?
  22. How do you call people who speak two languages
  23. Make a map of each part of America.
  24. What part of America do you like more?
  25. Do you like your Continent?

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